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Phyllis House - 2000 Biography

It doesn't seem possible that 5 years has gone by so quickly. During the 5 years, my Mother has moved out here to sunny California to live with me and my family. She has been with us 2 years already. Our son, Steve, is 20 and working everyday and attending classes. Busy schedule for him.

I have been in touch with a few of our classmates through this wonderful e-mail technology - Sue Coultes Kahl, Kathy Miller Bachi, Don Brehm and Jack Wheeler. I have really enjoyed sending notes and goodies on to them. So much can happen in a period of 5 years. Vacations, home improvements, additions to the family etc.

I have never attended a class reunion and will not be able to attend this one. I would like very much to look ahead to the 40th. I pray that everyone stays well and we can all get together in the future.