Many of these cards were purchased on ebay, some were donated by classmates, and others were shamelessly plagiarized from unsuspecting ebay sellers who were demanding a king's ransom for them.
Cards and other images in this gallery are from the 1960 decade. If you grew up in the Gaylord area during this decade you will fondly remember many of these scenes. A few of the cards couldn't be accurately dated so we put them here because they appeared to be from this era.
Here's how to view them; click on the Thumbnail Panel numbers to select which set of thumbnails that you would like to view, then just click on the thumbnail image and the full-sized image will be displayed below. Postcard descriptions and captions will be displayed at the bottom of the full-sized image. To select a different decade, click on the Postcards icon in the upper right-hand area of the page and select a different one: |